Twelve energetic and enthusiastic teachers from Italy ready to share technological knowledge.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

new training courses and seminars

  1. On-line seminars from EF:

    Teaching vocabulary with collocation: 12-15 February 2007-01-27
    Meet Gordon Lewis: Discussing teaching resources for teenage students: 27-29 March

    If you are interested in any of these free seminars, write an e-mail to:
    After enrolling, you’ll receive earphones with microphone and the instructions to download the software necessary to follow the on-line seminars. All on-line seminars are free, but open to a limited number of teachers. You can also go to and download the presentations of last year on-line seminars:
    · an introduction to blended learning for language teaching
    · using the Internet as a resource for Task-based learning

  2. HOCUS&LOTUS Corso triennaleper il perfezionamento il glottodidattica infantile

    This course is organized by La Scuola Editrice and Università “La Sapienza”of Rome. The first part of the course will start in February in the following cities:

    · Milano
    · Roma
    · Padova
    · Bari
    · Pescara
    · Napoli

    If you need more information, go to
    Otherwise, write to any of the former e-mail addresses or to

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Helbling seminars

Dear friends and colleagues,
if you are interested in some forthcoming seminars for English language teachers of scuola media and superiore, go to .
Please note that seminars are all around Italy and that they are FREE! Some speakers are Herbert Puchta, Mario Rinvolucri, Jeff Stranks, Julia Star Keddle and Imelda Hogan. You can also win a two-week teacher training course in Canterbury!