Twelve energetic and enthusiastic teachers from Italy ready to share technological knowledge.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Why I'm not able to post photos ?

Anybody knows why I cannot post photos ? In the previus message I sent ( do we look like.....) there were some photos that don't appear in the blog, in the second message (scaffolding ) I posted 4 photos but the same they don't appear. Why ? Am I not able or are there some problems in posting?

Why I'm not able to post photos ?

Anybody knows why I cannot post photos ? In the previus message I sent ( do we look like.....) there were some photos that don't appear in the blog, in the second message (scaffolding ) I posted 4 photos but the same they don't appear. Why ? Am I not able or are there some problems in posting?


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Who are they?

Do we look like English?

Do we look like a little bit English after four weeks of staying in Norwich?

Goodbye Everybody

Dear friends and colleagues,
I want to thank you all for the very special days I spent here in Norwich. This is not rethoric! You have been fantastic! I will miss you all...
Dear Catia: thank you for everything: the meals you cooked for us, your friendship, your reliability, your patiene, I will never forget it!
Dear Flavia: thank you for your kindness and preparation, I really love your English!
Dear Luigia: thank you for sharing with me so much pairwork
Dear Francesca Amore: thank you for your elegance and professionality, I'd like to be like you when I grow up... A I hope to visit Catania one day...
Dear Daniela: thank you for your neverending simpathy!
Dear Patrizio: than you for your enthusiasm and karaoke nights, but please stop interrupting... I'm joking!
Dear Simonetta: thank you for your gentleness, for the lovely earrings we made together, for all the hats we tried on, for the incredible stories you told me about you past experiences.
Dear Rosalba: thank you for sharing my ideas and for your funny faces at lessons
Dear Rosario and Rossella: thank you for your energy but please stop being on a diet...
Dear Francesca Lo Vetere: thank you for your enthusiasm and your never stopping soul
Dear Sharon: thank you for this blog, a wonderful idea to keep in touch

Good luck to all of you

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Interactive whiteboard

Well, I hope I won't be all alone in here for too long!

In the meantime, for those of you who aren't sure what an interactive whiteboard looks like, you can see a video of a primary lesson using one in Portugal. This is on Google video, which in iself is worth investigating.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wild weather

If you're reading this then we've got the internet back!! Really sorry about our British weather, now you know why we talk about it all the time.

But here is a nice site from bt (a telephone company)
making faces which is one of several activities your pupils would enjoy, I think.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Remember that cream tea!

Hope you all enjoyed the visit to the Cathedral refectory on Friday and welcome to your blog.

Could we each try to add a useful idea or website that has helped us with our teaching?

For example, I use the wonderful Macmillan website which is packed full of good things and has a section for teaching young learners.